One amazing thing about the Chinese, is their ability to get themselves into comfortable positions. Their ability to squat is an example of this and everywhere you go you will see men and, sometimes, women sitting on seats that are made of thin air. It is a position that I could hold for about one minute before losing my balance. Nevertheless, with the centre of my gravity namely, my big fat arse, being so close to the ground this would mean that it is very unlikely that I would hurt myself. The problem would occur if I were to try to immitate someone squating on a wall, while supping a glass of tea or a worker eating out of his rice bowl while delicately balanced 60 foot up at the edge of a roof.
The picture I have attached to this post is of someone having a sleep in his rickshaw. Now, believe me I have sat in one of those little things and they are just that, little! Those of you who know me can imagine the scenario of me trying to have a sleep in the above rickshaw. One of two things would happen; I would either be jammed in and unable to get out of the seat or the whole fucking thing would tilt over taking me with it.
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