Thursday, August 7, 2008

Having Nothing to Say, a Bit of the Day

Little rows of little houses, a sprinkling of pubs one called the hub on the campus at the university, latte, not bad, can be had in a cafe where the students from Cathay, earn a few bob through their minimum wage job. This is Brunel and it's more but I don't want to bore. Suffice to say, I enjoyed my day and I might, just might, like my stay in 'Blighty' once so mighty ....
Anyway, lets talk about today and off I went, got the paper, had a read and my breakfast feed, cup of coffee and a sort of toffee covered in chocolate. It was actually a big piece of caramel cake and then up to the International Pathways Centre, talked to the boss, talked about money and that wasn't funny because there was a truth that was quite uncouth and it seems that they won't acccept a P38, what a fate, and I will have to use a P46 and that means I am in a bit of a fix because there will be some tax but, at least it won't be the max and I will get it back, so maybe I should just stay calm and not give a damn because as I said, ...... well, everything is hunky-dory.
The rest of the day was spent doing this, that and the next thing and in the evening there was a wee walk and a talk, with a friend, and down to a typical English pub, very unlike the Hub, where we had some grub and a glass of coke, being on the wagon is no joke, .... I have no more to say, that was my day ...... Goodnight!
The picture above is of the pub very unlike the Hub, which is on the campus.

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