Tuesday, August 12, 2008

News from Brunel

The little things continue to annoy here in England; the going into a university canteen and being expected to pay too much for badly prepared food, the badly prepared course, which foreign students are expected to pay too much money for and the weather. Well, they cannot do much about the weather but I don't know how they manage to continue to con the rest of the world. Have you ever sat down and thought how the British actually get by, I mean, what do they produce? Nevertheless, despite my being slightly peeved, I did get a move into quieter better accommodation and, with me flying to Germany next week for three days, it does look like I will drift through this five week presessional course and on to greater things.
The guns are silent in Georgia and it appears that George Bush might just have made his point; had the Russians continued to advance they may indeed have been dabbling in brinkmanship. Cheney, had his wee dig about a democracy being attacked and despite their not going to be around for much longer they are still there for now and we shouldn't put anything past George and Dick. Do you know, I think they might even have had a go at the Russians and do you know, I think the Russians might even been aware of it.

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