Monday, August 4, 2008

Time to Go

It is 5.14 a.m. and I only have some 45 minutes before I take my taxi to the airport, so this will probably be the only opportunity that I will get to write in my blog today, thereby maintaining my "at least" one entry a day since it began.
When I get to London I hope to get the blog more focused and will be concentrating on general global geopolitical issues with some concentration on the Middle East. The time in London will hopefully also be used to use the university libraries. It might be, therefore, that in becoming more focused the entries will be researched in more detail and a bit less frequent than they have been to date and it might also mean that the millions of readers who have been enjoying the light entertaining stuff will find it all a bit too heavy.
Outside the sun is in the process of putting its hat on, four hours sleep seem to be enough, in the background BBC World is spouting out the news in the background and it is now time to get ready and go. With China it has been a sort of love hate relationship but, should I not come back, it is mainly the positives that I will be taking with me.

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