Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Being Responsible

Back to the hard copies of the papers today and there were two articles in today's 'Times' that made interesting reading; one was under the headline "20 killed in latest airstrike as US hits school set up by friend of bin Laden" and the other followed the headline "Clan rivals 'led US forces to attack wrong target'"1 The headlines were refering to two different attacks by the Americans as a consequence of which civilians died. Now, it would appear that the twenty deaths in the first attack are not so tragic after all because they died in a school that was set up "by a friend of bin Laden" and in the other attack it would appear that the "clan rivals" are responsible for the Americans attacking the wrong target. In that particular attack some 92 civilians died. Now that the Americans don't want to take the responsibility for what is in effect mass murder, I can understand, what I cannot understand is a so-called, "free press" trying to admonish them of that responsibility.
1 'The Times' September 9, 2008 p39

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