Sunday, September 14, 2008

Politics Matter

There is an interesting little read on Sarah Palin in the comment in today's 'Observer', which begs us to focus on her beliefs rather than the plethora of irrelevancies that are flaunted by the media. However, it does look as if the "great" American public will vote for her looks, her being a mother of five and her pulling no punches when she speaks. Still, we should still look at those beliefs that the 'Observer' asks us to consider. What are they? Well, firstly, her knowledge of foreign policy would appear to be confined to a few bellicose, adolescent statements on Iran, Russia and international terrorism. Moreover, she would gladly have American school children believing that the earth was created by a deity and that that deity forbids abortion even where there has been rape or incest and, finally, the good half witted Ms Palin doesn't really believe that there is a global warming problem and is pro-drilling for oil everywhere and anywhere at a time when the world should be moving away from fossil fuels.1
The polls inform us that the chances of McCain "the war hero" and Sarah "good-looking, mother of five, pulls no punches" Palin winning the November election are increasing day by day. This has to be some sort of bad joke. Creationism in American schools is an American problem, at least, until the rest of the world becomes confronted with a new generation of Uncle Sam "Jihadists" and her views on abortion have no immediate effect on the rest of us. However, Ms Pallin's views on foreign policy, energy and the environment are a threat to everyone. They can only lead to conflict and ultimately disaster.
1 'The Observer' p34 Sunday 14th September 2008.

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