Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ivan Lewis

According to a report in the 'Guardian' today the British foreign office minister, Ivan Lewis, told MPs. "Israel should freeze all settlement activity, including the natural growth of existing settlements, and dismantle all outposts erected since March 2001."(1) Now, we can expect a swift reply, overtly or covertly, from Jerusalem condeming this man as a "self-hating Jew", after all, with Bibi already condemning the likes of Emanual Rahm and David Axelrod as such, they should have no problem doing the same to the former Vice-Chair of 'Labour Friends of Israel', despite his being someone who was a strong supporter of the Israeli military campaign in Gaza in January and who defended defending the Israeli military's campaign in several speeches. With "enemies" like these the 'Zionists' really are in easy street.

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