Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Obama warns Russia

Got this from today's 'Guardian'; "Obama delivered a tough, though implicit, critique of Kremlin foreign policy, rejecting the claim it has "privileged interests" in post-Soviet countries. He said the 19th-century doctrine of spheres of influence and "great powers forging competing blocs" was finished."(1) Now, I know that I can be a little bit repetitive but the hypocrisy that Washington spouts out time and time again is disgustingly offensive. Moreover, I am also aware that if someone repeats something often enough it can penetrate; indeed, that is how they get "their" drivel into our soaked, manipulated, brains. Therefore, here is me repeating myself once again; is anyone listening, anyone willing to think just a little bit?
1 http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/jul/07/obama-russia-first-trip

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