Wednesday, March 24, 2010


A 15 year old Palestinian boy goes out to buy bread in Hebron, Israeli soldiers blindfold and handcuff him and now he is one of the countless innocent young men who find themselves in the Israeli prison system. "Boo, hoo" give us back Gilad and we will give you back Abdullah and Omar and Mohammed and Ismael and....., and....., and....."The "Jewish Democracy' has got itself another "terrorist."

Oh and while on a story which started with me talking about bread, it would appear that the "Jewish" section of the 'God Squad' has a little story all of it's own, as 'Haaretz' informs us that: "The rabbinate suspects that non-kosher flour was used to make the matzah. Eating such matzah on Passover would be the same, religiously, as eating bread." Serious stuff, serious stuff indeed, in a state that claims a gobblydegook biblical right to the land it has stolen.

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