Yichang seems pleasant enough, although I didn't see very much of it on the way to the hotel from the airport. The hotel though is tasty; it is a five star affair and it has a nice swimming pool. We got down to the pool before dinner and the swim was very relaxing and everything could have been hunky-dory but you can see it, you really can see it, the maintenance, or rather the lack of it and then there was this one particular hotel guest who was chewing what I think were pieces of chicken and he had nothing better to do than spit out the bits of fat or was it bones that he didn't gobble down and there they were all lying around the ground for his "inferiors" to clean up before some western or enbourgeioised Chinese could take offence. Well, "you can take the man out of Glasgow but you can't take Glasgow out of the man, can you? Or something like that! Anyway, I gave him a dirty look but I really don't think he got it.
The picture looks across the hotel swimming pool.
1 comment:
I'am delighted the Chinese aircraft managed to get off the ground (Hurrahs) carrying the tremendous weight of the other travellers 'intellectual baggage' no-doubt, oh how this must have been a fraught experience for the flight crew, perhaps they had to send the passengers baggage ahead by rickshaw instead, to meet you all on arrival. Although one suspects London Heathrow’s T5 is less well organised than in China.
It is rumoured that University Lecturers have more holidays than 'Thomas Cook' the tour operator has to offer. Maybe it’s just as well when one must de-stress on a well earned break, taking the time to notice non-hotel residents 'Chewing the Fat' as it were, who probably pay their beleaguered employees a weekly pittance.
Although I do take your point, that chewing the fat and gristle off a scrawny chicken leg that he has lifted from the restaurant buffet, while obnoxiously advertising the habits of a punk, and yet, have the effrontery to be chewing & spitting in the presence of an 'esteemed paying guest lying by the swimming pool'. No longer, it seems, does manners maketh the man.
As for the poor to non-existent maintenance staff around the pool area of a 5***** hotel, is quite frankly, a dis-service which undermines the accreditation status of the Chinese Licensing Authorities, failure to motivate & maintain adequate service level agreements expected by foreign tourists & take note; worthy only of the Kasbah.
It is not something one would ever expect in old blighty...no sir, nor in Deutschland 'uber ales', let alone the New emerging Chinese towns & City’s. Although I would draw the line at hypothesizing whether horse-whipping the un-gallant fellow as wise.
As it would seem that the mistake he made was to spit his chicken in all direction’s, while in your presence, which is at best an uncouth act of a hungry native, but none-the-less it's the act of a man who care's not-a-jot about his fellow customer’s leisure experience in the absence of the maintenance cleaning crew.
What is more, perhaps you should thank him for not chewing off 'your leg' and spitting gristle an-all, back at your delightful good lady, as a uniquely un-European foreign mating ritual!
They say cannibalism is alive & well, while rumoured to be a delicacy much in demand in far off distant lands, where the sun is so sharp that one has to squint ones eyes to avoid its glare...one must be grateful for one's small mercy's while travelling representing the Queens shilling on 'La dolce vita.
Posted by: PublicAye...Blah (Gordon Macdonald, Glasgow UK)
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