It is the press in England that continues to amaze; the audacity, the nerve, the verve, the cheek!There was this guy called Andrew Malone writing absolute drivel about Africans who live in Beijing and others being rounded up and being interned for the duration of the Olympic Games and then linking his report to the 1936 Olympics when the Nazis did the same thing and sent people to camps that bore the slogan "Arbeit macht Frei" above the gate. Now Dachau, which was opened in 1933, did bear this slogan but there is no evidence to suggest that the Nazis were particularly active in sending people there or anywhere else prior to the Olympics. Moreover, the effect of this slogan is not lost on Malone even if he is uninformed and ignorant, the antithesis of the investigative journalist. Most people who have been confronted with the slogan "Arbeit macht Frei" will automatically think of Auschwitz-Birkenau and the Nazi death camps. The reader of the 'Daily Mail' is to equate the actions of the regime in Beijing with the worst excesses of the holocaust. This is what is wanted! Mr Malone knows nothing about China and he knows nothing about the Third Reich and he has now parcelled his "nothing" in bias and drivel and passed it on to the great discerning British public. However, Mr Malone is only one of a number of "Journalists" writing drivel for the 'Daily Mail' and it even gets to their sports reporters. Not content just to celebrate a British gold medal in cycling the paper had to report in an article that really shows the paper for the xenophobic, chauvanistic rag that it is, that, "the conceited French were run ragged."1
Now it is time for me to draw a parallel with Nazi Germany; the 'Daily Mail', 'Sun', 'Star', 'Mirror' and a few others would be on a par with the Amman press if it were not for the fact that the prose, at least, in the German press were a lot better than the badly written drivel that is the British publics lot. Of course, 'Blighty' does have 'The Guardian', 'The Financial Times' and a couple of other decent papers and there is the foreign press and media such as . However, what does your average Brit read, how does he or she think? Ask Mr Malone, he knows!
1 'The Daily Mail', Saturday 16th August 208, p118
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