Anyway, wanna the grate things aboot livin in London is ye get tae see sum faemis peeple. Thair wuz me walkin doon Earls Court Road the day and a sort a cut intae a wee side street and headed fur Fulham Road and who did a see walking in front a me? That grate German fitba playir, Michael Ballack walkin way wanna his team mates; Didier Drogbha a think! A only think it was Drogbha because he didna huv his name oan the back a his shirt but a know he's injured and this guy wuz limpin as well. Mind ye Michael didna look very fit either; maybe it's aw the crap English food these lads eat when they get tae England. Wan thing is fur sure, a widdnae pay any ow these two dumplins aw that money that that Russian fella is gein them.
The picture was taken without the knowledge of the two fitba players thats why it is a wee bit blurred.
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