Thursday, December 18, 2008

Manufacturing Consent

Screens at various underground train stations throughout Munich pump out the daily drivel; "news" of the sublimial variation and no consciousness required here, indeed, none desired. Back to me, however, and there is a little bit of "gnothi seauton", know thyself, and, despite my having, more or less, lots and lots of time, time on my hands, time to play with, I still have to make a sort of effort to catch up with the real news. Yes, I can understand all those deluded, deadheads, who, because of their daily drudge, content themselves with the daily drivel, and the media czars can argue that they only do what is viable and cannot be held liable for "Joe Soap" being pliable. However, who controls and what motivates the media and whatever happened to real investigative journalism?
It is mostly on the web, but it is there and although it requires a little bit of effort to access it, it is necessary to do so. Otherwise we will continue our superficial consumption of the nonsense and the drivel that we are bombarded with, while "conveniently" ignoring the crimes, the lies and the hypocrisy of those manufacturers of consent who are pillaging, slaughtering, raping, and massacring innocents everywhere. In the global village we are already akin to that generation of Germans who maintained that they didn't know about the atrocities being committed on their front doorstep.
The pictures was taken of one of the news screens on the underground, while waiting for my train at Marienplatz yesterday.

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