Thursday, August 13, 2009

Full Spectrum Dominance

On going to Frederick William Engdahl's site today I found myself making a refreshing return to 'Real News' to follow an interview that Paul Jay, the senior editor at 'Real News' gave Engdahl and what we get is, indeed, "real news" and we are suddenly freed from the daily drivel and the jingoism that dominates the mainstream media.

Engdahl, I believe, is marvelous at exposing the real reasons behind America's wars and at showing how those wars are a continuation of a century of Anglo-Saxon domination of the globe. Nevertheless, his suggestion that Eurasian cohesion will sooner or later bring that hegemony to an end is not one I necessarily share and not because, as Paul Jay asserts, the Chinese, with a trillion dollars in currency reserves, are emeshed in the Anglo-Saxon financial system. No, there I would agree with Engdahl and, as the Shanghai Cooperation indicates, there are very real reasons to believe that the Chinese in particular are building bridges which, if the constellation were different, could allow them an opportunity to get off of what is a sinking ship and create the conditions for a new world order. What, however, is the "constellation" that could very well prevent them doing so?

Firstly, the evidence would appear to suggest that, at a time when the American economy is going down the drain, its global military presence is, in fact, increasing. Moreover, the network of alliances that Engdahl talks about at length will also help to ensure that "Uncle Sam" will set the agenda for some time to come. In short, while Engdahl is right when he says that the Chinese cannot do much to actually help the US economy and that that economy is going to go through ten years of hell, it is, I believe, a hell that "Uncle Sam" will "share" with the rest of the world. If the Anglo-Saxons are to leave the limelight we can be sure that they will not be going out without a bang.

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