Friday, August 14, 2009

"On the Road"

"On the road" today and the transit in Istanbul's Atatürk Airport is pleasant enough; very expensive coffee but a reasonably good wireless connection can be "stolen" from the HSBC bank above the food court. Yes, Mustafa Kemal was a sort of "European" man and the airport that bears his adopted name would have had the father of modern Turkey as proud as punch. Yes, modern enough here.

Apropos "modern", off to Addis Ababa this evening and there are already forewarnings that the "modern" might be on the wane with a mail coming out of the Ethiopian capital telling me that, "the electricity the university fix a new generator". Now, does this mean that, "a long time ago they fixed a new generator but it has long since broken again", or does it mean that "they have fixed a new generator", or are "they in the process of fixing a new generator, or will they "fix a new generator when they get round to it"? Of course, shouldn't they be fixing an old generator and installing a new generator? Whatever, there is already evidence to suggest that Ethiopia is not going to be quite predictable as Seville, Munich, Glasgow and, yes the quite modern Atatürk Airport, and I am already getting excited about the wireless internet connection that they have at Addis Ababa University.

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