Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Give the Mossad and the CIA access to Syria

Allegations by Israel, the US and the EU that Syria is developing a nuclear programme focus on the trivial amount of uranium, eighty particles, which were found at the site Israel attacked back in 2007. Now, we have the United States and the European Union, once again, doing the Zionist state's dirty work and demanding that that Syria disprove the allegations by allowing the International Atomic Energy Agency' additional access beyond what it is legally bound to give.

There are two thing that should be taken into consideration. Firstly, where did this uranium came from and, secondly, why is Syria is not giving the IAEA "additional access"? Now regarding the first point, Syria has claimed that Israel dropped uranium on the site and, really, although the US ambassador to the IAEA, Glyn Davies, might confront reporters with a theatrical rhetorical, "It's a slightly desperate charge, isn't it?" , knowing Israel, this claim is certainly credible. That brings us to the second point and Syria is not allowing "additional access". Why should it? Firstly, one can only speculate as to how many spooks would drop in on the country under the guise of IAEA inspectors and, secondly, Damascus is, at least allowing that access which it is "legally bound to give". It is this, which brings me onto a third and  final point.

How often have we read about Israel's nuclear facilities at Dimona? However, it was visual media today that had me, once again, confronting myself with an absurdity of a where Israel actually has the audacity to charge other countries because of their nuclear programme and the Syrian political analysist, Thabet Salem, in his discussion with RT television is, of course, right when he says that Israel is the last country in the world who can point the finger at anyone else, while pointing out that the Zionist state has a nuclear arsenal that lies something between 200-400 warheads and that it has never signed international accords or agreements. Not to mention, of course, that nobody from outside Israel has got anywhere near Dimona since Washington gave up any attempts to do so in the mid sixties.

Yes, Israel could have dropped uranium on a site, which it illegally bombed in 2007 and, yes, Damascus is quite right not to allow an army of inspectors into Syria. An army of inspectors, which might, indeed, include one or two Zionist or pro-Zionist agents, who just might find things that are either just not there or which they planted. However, and more importantly, it is imporant for countries like Syria to seize the initiative here. It is really important that the point be made that it is Israel that allows no inspectors into the country, it is Israel that has never signed any international accords regarding nuclear weapons and it is Israel which has up to four hundred nuclear warheads.

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