Monday, June 21, 2010

Julian Assange has turned up in Brussels

Julian Assange has turned up, walking the streets of Brussels, talking to the 'Guardian' and not feeling particularly threatened. He said to the paper: ""Politically it would be a great error for them (the US) to act. I feel perfectly safe … but I have been advised by my lawyers not to travel to the US during this period." An assesssment of the situation which Daniel Ellsberg would seem to share saying: "I would think that (Assange) is in some danger. Granted, I would think that his notoriety now would provide him some degree of protection."

Anyway, if the man in the picture does have a mysterious accident, if the CIA decide to do an "extraordinary rendition" on him, or if he takes fright and decides to keep mum for the rest of his life, we should all worry just a little bit while considering Zhou Ze's (the Chinese journalist turned lawyer) statement; "If reporter's rights cannot be protected, the rights of ordinary citizens cannot be."

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